The simple answer is that our embodiment is where life is fully lived.
Now, in our society, we have a great tendency to identify with our mind and spend a lot of time there. We allow the rational mind to guide us into being productive, functional and meet our goals.
But sometimes, this can create a disconnection inside of us. We become further and further away from our felt senses, intuition, emotions.
This can create the feeling that something is missing.
Being led solely by the mind doesn’t lead to more fulfillment. There may be more success on paper, and achievements, but the mind’s role isn’t to make us happy.
It is our embodiment that can do this.
Our capacity to drop inside of ourselves. Feel the sensations that are there and experience the beauty and complexity of our inner world.
It is this deep connection, this intimacy with ourselves that allows us to experience this fullness and joy in life.
Now you may ask, how can I be more connected to this inner world?
The simple answer is to spend more time there. To practice bringing the mind’s attention inwards.
Get quiet for a moment. Feel the tingling in your hands, the warmth in your belly, your heartbeat under your feet.
Just feel it.
This is what creates this connection. A desire to be with yourself.
You may learn things about yourself. Maybe you feel hungry, or some part of your body is hurting, or you may feel stuck emotions.
This is all very important to know. This information guides us as to how to be with ourselves.
And ultimately, our embodiment matters because this is where we experience the full spectrum of life. It raises the question: ‘’Do you want to live fully? ‘’